Saturday, September 5, 2009

Pictures of Taos

We just checked into a motel outside Kansas City, MO.

The post about Earthship HQ will be up a little later. I still have to finish writing it and may end up breaking it into two parts. There are a lot of pictures. For now, here are some pictures of Taos, New Mexico.

Remember that you can click any of the images for a much larger, really big version.

View from behind the motel:

Stuff we passed on the way to Earthship HQ:

Cow crossing and some cows that probably don't use it:

Bus Stop Ice Cream and Coffee Shop:

Most Beautiful Steel Bridge, A.K.A. The Gorge Bridge:

Then, in the distance, this:

...turned into this:

Stay tuned!


  1. Hot shower, a bed, some real food... Better soak up that civilization while you can boys... Looking forward to seeing the Earthship Hq post.

  2. that's one colorful bus, and one mighty fine bridge..
